01.16.2025 | Teagle in the NewsBridgewater College offers summer program for local high school studentsWith support from Teagle, Bridgewater College is launching a new Knowledge for Freedom summer institute for underserved local high school students that will explore questions about freedom, democracy, and government. Read more > | 1/16/2025 12:00:00 AM |
12.27.2024 | Teagle in the NewsHow Higher Education Can Win Back AmericaMichael S. Roth, president of Wesleyan University, highlights Teagle's Knowledge for Freedom initiative for meaningfully engaging diverse students in questions of purpose and civic responsibility. Read more > | 12/27/2024 12:00:00 AM |
09.23.2024 | Teagle in the NewsElon Freedom Scholars program welcomes largest cohort to campusElon Freedom Scholars welcomed its largest class for their Knowledge for Freedom program focused on college preparation, career exploration and civic learning and engagement. Read more > | 9/23/2024 12:00:00 AM |
08.21.2024 | Teagle in the News15 students complete humanities seminar at UTSAFifteen high school students participated in UTSA's Knowledge for Freedom program this summer, focused on the theme of migration and democracy. Read more > | 8/21/2024 12:00:00 AM |
02.27.2024 | Teagle in the NewsLooking for meaning in college? Try discussing a great book.Teagle President Andrew Delbanco stresses higher education's role in helping students think deeply and collectively about life’s most profound questions. Read more > | 2/27/2024 12:00:00 AM |
02.07.2024 | Teagle in the NewsUnderstanding civics, from the classroom to the cityYale hosted the inaugural KFF Faculty Institute, which brought together faculty and program directors from 30+ campuses to share ideas on how to launch, refine, and strengthen their courses. Read more > | 2/7/2024 12:00:00 AM |
01.26.2024 | Teagle in the NewsTeaching as Transmission, Transaction or TransformationTeagle's Knowledge for Freedom initative offers a model for transformational liberal arts education that is scaleable and effective. Read more > | 1/26/2024 12:00:00 AM |
11.03.2023 | Teagle in the NewsTeagle Foundation awards URI grant to support urban high school studentsWith support from Teagle, URI is launching Forgiveness is Freedom Academy: A Knowledge for Freedom Program, which will immerse rising high school seniors in the liberal arts. Read more > | 11/3/2023 12:00:00 AM |
08.16.2023 | Teagle in the NewsCommunity Leaders Visit Columbia's Flourishing Double Discovery Center College Prep Program for LocaColumbia University President Minouche Shafik, elected officials, and local leaders in education made a classroom visit to the Double Discovery Center, which is home to the program model for Teagle's Knowledge for Freedom initiative. Read more > | 8/16/2023 12:00:00 AM |
08.16.2023 | Teagle in the NewsCollege Citizens High School Program Completes Second YearThe Teagle-funded College Citizens program at the University of Dallas, which invites high school students to explore questions of responsibility and community, celebrated its second year. Read more > | 8/16/2023 12:00:00 AM |
02.03.2023 | Teagle in the NewsThe Teagle Foundation Builds Diversity and Access in Liberal ArtsUnder the leadership of Andrew Delbanco, the Teagle Foundation is working for greater diversity and greater access. Teagle programs support students and institutions asking humanistic questions about community, freedom, and purpose. Read more > | 2/3/2023 12:00:00 AM |
01.05.2023 | Teagle in the NewsUMass Amherst Center for Philosophy and Children Receives $250,000 GrantQuestion Everything, a Knowledge for Freedom program, brings high school students from the Holyoke and Springfield, Massachusetts, areas to UMass Amherst for philosophical reflection and critical thinking. Read more > | 1/5/2023 12:00:00 AM |
12.31.2022 | Teagle in the NewsThe Work of Moral ImaginationPurpose and Power: Women Shaping History, a Knowledge for Freedom program, will bring a cohort of high school women to the Hollins University campus during the summer of 2023 for an intensive two-week seminar to explore questions about freedom and agency with an emphasis on the lives of women. Read more > | 12/31/2022 12:00:00 AM |
10.18.2022 | Teagle in the NewsNew Haven's Henry Seyue Reads Hughes' 'I, Too' At Jefferson LectureHenry Seyue, an alumnus of Citizens, Thinkers, Writers, a Knowledge for Freedom program at Yale University, read the Langston Hughes’ poem "I, Too" at the Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, which was delivered by Teagle President Andrew Delbanco. Read more > | 10/18/2022 12:00:00 AM |
10.18.2022 | Teagle in the NewsNew Haven man, 23, to read poem at national lecture series in D.C.Henry Segue, a Knowledge for Freedom program alumnus, was chosen to read a poem at the Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities because he exemplifies how a grounding in liberal arts enables us to study humanity’s deepest questions, wrestle with difficult topics and serve as thoughtful, engaged citizens. Read more > | 10/18/2022 12:00:00 AM |
08.15.2022 | Teagle in the NewsAcademy of Civic Life Hosts Inaugural Summer Program for Underrepresented High School Students The Academy of Civic Life (ACL) at Stony Brook University offers high school students a real college experience, living on campus and attending a rigorous three-week seminar. Read more > | 8/15/2022 12:00:00 AM |
08.09.2022 | Teagle in the NewsFreedom and Citizenship: High Schoolers in Upper Manhattan Elevate Their Voices for ChangeFour students share their experiences at Columbia University’s Freedom and Citizenship program in summer 2022. Read more > | 8/9/2022 12:00:00 AM |
07.28.2022 | Teagle in the NewsBronx Students Have New ‘Visions of the Good’ After Fordham Summer ProgramAt a new Knowledge for Freedom summer program at Fordham called “Visions of the Good in the Bronx,” sixteen students from Bronx high schools spent two weeks learning about philosophy, college life, and more. Read more > | 7/28/2022 12:00:00 AM |
05.16.2022 | Teagle in the NewsWhat’s Really Wrong With Our Flawed System of Elite College AdmissionsOne way to expand educational opportunity is through precollege summer programs like the Teagle Foundation's Knowledge for Freedom initiative, which exposes diverse, highly talented, and driven high school students to college faculty and meaningful college-level research, writing, and discussion. Read more > | 5/16/2022 12:00:00 AM |
05.09.2022 | Teagle in the NewsDickinson’s “Knowledge for Freedom” seminar aims to give HS seniors timely lessons through historyFunded by a Knowledge for Freedom initiative grant, Dickinson College’s House Divided Project, which examines the Civil War and Reconstruction, is hosting a college-level seminar for high school seniors to explore questions of freedom, democracy and self-government. The free, three-week program includes trips to Washington D.C., Gettysburg and the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg. It’s aimed at low-income and first generation college-bound students. Read more > | 5/9/2022 12:00:00 AM |
05.01.2022 | Teagle in the NewsDo the Great Books Hold the Keys to Success?An interview with Roosevelt Montás, author of Rescuing Socrates, on why liberal education is more important than ever. Montás is a Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and the Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program. Read more > | 5/1/2022 12:00:00 AM |
04.27.2022 | Teagle in the NewsFreedom Scholars program selects inaugural cohort of high school studentsFunded by a Knowledge for Freedom grant, 15 inaugural Freedom Scholars will complete a two-week, intensive, residential experience at Elon for the rising seniors from the Alamance-Burlington School System this summer followed by a year of programming and college application support. Read more > | 4/27/2022 12:00:00 AM |
04.12.2022 | Teagle in the NewsWhy the Great Books Still MatterRoosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, makes the case for the liberal arts. Read more > | 4/12/2022 12:00:00 AM |
03.30.2022 | Teagle in the NewsUD’s College Citizens Program to serve first-gen DFW high school seniorsIn July, the University of Dallas (UD) will host its first Knowledge for Freedom program, "College Citizens," which will allow twelve rising high school seniors from the Dallas-Fort Worth area to spend three weeks at UD, taking a liberal arts interdisciplinary class and experiencing life on a college campus for free. Read more > | 3/30/2022 12:00:00 AM |
03.29.2022 | Teagle in the NewsElon Launches Freedom & Democracy Summer Program for High School StudentsFunded by a $300,000 Knowledge for Freedom initiative grant, an interdisciplinary team of professors at Elon University are launching a free, two-week, philosophy-centric residential summer program on democracy and civic engagement for underserved students entering their senior year of high school. Read more > | 3/29/2022 12:00:00 AM |
03.10.2022 | Teagle in the NewsPhilosopher Wins $300K Grant For “Good Life” Project With Bronx TeensA $300,000 Knowledge for Freedom initiative grant to Fordham University will fund a three week summer bridge program in philosophy for fifteen high school students from the Bronx. Read more > | 3/10/2022 12:00:00 AM |
03.09.2022 | Teagle in the NewsFordham Launches ‘Visions of the Good’ for Bronx High School StudentsA three-week summer program called "Visions of the Good in the Bronx" at Fordham University, funded by a $300,000 Knowledge for Freedom grant from The Teagle Foundation, will allow high school students from the Bronx to contemplate big philosophical questions, explore a college campus, and receive college application help. Read more > | 3/9/2022 12:00:00 AM |
03.03.2022 | Teagle in the NewsHow America’s broken undergraduate education system can be fixedRoosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, is quoted in a piece about how student learning needs to be reimagined. Read more > | 3/3/2022 12:00:00 AM |
02.26.2022 | Teagle in the NewsIn 1961, MLK taught a college class. Its syllabus might be contentious todayRoosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, discusses the "Social Philosophy I" course that Martin Luther King Jr. taught at Morehouse College in 1961. Read more > | 2/26/2022 12:00:00 AM |
02.21.2022 | Teagle's Partner ThoughtsBrian Rosenberg on How the Humanities End—and Might Be Saved with Brendan BoyleBrian Rosenberg, who serves on Teagle's board, talks about the value of the humanities in American higher education, especially for historically underserved students. He highlights Teagle's Cornerstone: Living for Learning and Knowledge for Freedom initiatives. Read more > | 2/21/2022 12:00:00 AM |
02.20.2022 | Teagle in the NewsThe Odyssey of Roosevelt MontásThis review of Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás calls it a valuable and thoughtful book that makes a contribution to the ongoing debate over the past, present, and future of liberal-arts education in the United States. Montás is a Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program. Read more > | 2/20/2022 12:00:00 AM |
02.18.2022 | Teagle in the NewsCore curriculum: A case for the influence of four key thinkersThis review of Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás calls it refreshing and nuanced, heartfelt and humane. Montás is a Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program. Read more > | 2/18/2022 12:00:00 AM |
02.18.2022 | Teagle in the NewsAn Ode to The Core CurriculumRoosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, argues in favor of teaching the classics to everyone—especially marginalized students—and talks about how the "Great Books" influenced his life. Read more > | 2/18/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.30.2022 | Teagle in the NewsHonors College Grant to Aid Underprivileged High-SchoolersA $25,000 Knowledge for Freedom planning grant will support a three-week symposium titled “One Person Can Change the World” for underprivileged high school juniors in Broward County, Florida. Read more > | 1/30/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.21.2022 | Teagle in the NewsGreat books are still greatRoosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, writes that he did not need to be rich, privileged, or cultured to find something in great literature that spoke to the deepest sense of his own being. Since 2009, he has been introducing low-income high school students to intellectual traditions inspired by Socrates. Old classics still have the power to move and transform young people. Read more > | 1/21/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.20.2022 | Teagle in the NewsGreat Books, Graduate Students, and the Value of Fun in Higher EducationLeonard Cassuto joins in the generalist-versus-specialist debate inspired by Rescuing Socrates, a new book by Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program. Read more > | 1/20/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.07.2022 | Teagle's Partner ThoughtsThis Is the Way the Humanities EndBrian Rosenberg, who serves on the board of the Teagle Foundation, speaks to Roosevelt Montás's approach to the humanities, which moves away from hyper-specialization and toward a meaningful encounter with a new generation of students. Read more > | 1/7/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.06.2022 | Teagle in the News Rethinking the Performance GapThe Teagle Foundation's Knowledge for Freedom Program appears on a list of seven proven strategies to help colleges advance academic equity, reduce disparities in graduation rates, and maximize every student's educational outcome.
Read more > | 1/6/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.04.2022 | Teagle in the NewsTeach public school kids the classic booksRoosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, argues that low-income students deserve the same opportunities to read the classics.
Read more > | 1/4/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.03.2022 | Teagle in the NewsCan the Humanities Truly Transform Undergraduates’ Lives?Steven Mintz summarizes and responds to Louis Menard's review of Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation by Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program.
Read more > | 1/3/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.03.2022 | Teagle in the NewsRescuing Great Books from the ElitesRead (or listen) to an interview with Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program about his life and his book Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation. Read more > | 1/3/2022 12:00:00 AM |
01.03.2022 | Teagle in the NewsRoosevelt Montás on the Virtues of a Liberal EducationAn interview with Roosevelt Montás about liberal education and his critically acclaimed book, Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation. Montás is a Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program. Read more > | 1/3/2022 12:00:00 AM |
12.31.2021 | Teagle in the NewsOpinion: In an acrimonious time, some welcome fresh attention to Socrates and civilized arguingColumnist George Will favorably reviews Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation by Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program.
Read more > | 12/31/2021 12:00:00 AM |
12.21.2021 | Teagle in the NewsFirst-Generation Brooklynites Are Getting Into College Thanks to This Growing OrganizationThe Knowledge for Freedom Program is helping first-generation and low-income students at 11 Brooklyn high schools to achieve their higher education goals. Read more > | 12/21/2021 12:00:00 AM |
12.17.2021 | Teagle in the NewsYes, the Great Books Make Us Better PeopleIn The New York Times, John McWhorter favorably reviews Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation by Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program.
Read more > | 12/17/2021 12:00:00 AM |
12.16.2021 | Teagle in the NewsElon University's Freedom ScholarsWith support from a $300,000 Teagle grant, Elon’s Freedom Scholars to welcome area high school students in summer 2022. Read more > | 12/16/2021 12:00:00 AM |
12.15.2021 | Staff WritingsAchieving Both Breadth and Depth in Education PhilanthropyTeagle Senior Program Officer Annie W. Bezbatchenko and Program Director Tamara Mann Tweel on how the Foundation balances focus and reach across initiatives. Read more > | 12/15/2021 12:00:00 AM |
12.15.2021 | Teagle in the NewsDo Great Books still matter? For Roosevelt Montás, they are essential.Read more about Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, and his defense of a great books curriculum in his new book, Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation.
Read more > | 12/15/2021 12:00:00 AM |
12.14.2021 | Teagle in the NewsEp. 40 Roosevelt Montás, "Rescuing Socrates"Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program, joins the Booknotes+ podcast from C-Span to discuss his latest book, Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation.
Read more > | 12/14/2021 12:00:00 AM |
12.06.2021 | Teagle in the NewsThe Left Should Defend Classical EducationThis review of Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member argues that a great books education should be available to working-class people.
Read more > | 12/6/2021 12:00:00 AM |
11.16.2021 | Teagle in the NewsWhy the Core Matters for a New GenerationRoosevelt Montás on how if done right, required classes bring campuses together and are a boon to the humanities. Read more > | 11/16/2021 12:00:00 AM |
11.07.2021 | Teagle in the News‘Rescuing Socrates’ Review: Great Books, Greatly MissedA review of Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation by Roosevelt Montás, Cornerstone: Learning for Living Advisory Council member and Director of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia University's Knowledge for Freedom Program. Read more > | 11/7/2021 12:00:00 AM |
11.03.2021 | Teagle in the NewsMeet Shaun Abreu, City Council’s Newest Member From Upper ManhattanAbreu is an alumn of Freedom & Citizenship, Columbia's Knowledge for Freedom Program. Read more > | 11/3/2021 12:00:00 AM |
09.20.2021 | Teagle's Partner ThoughtsWhy a Liberal Education is Worth DefendingSteven Mintz, Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin reviews Roosevelt Montás' forthcoming book, Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation.
Read more > | 9/20/2021 12:00:00 AM |
08.25.2021 | Teagle in the NewsA Quest of Their OwnHigh school students got a taste of the liberal arts experience through Ursinus College’s Teagle-funded Knowledge for Freedom program called Freedom, Citizenship, and Equality. Read more > | 8/25/2021 12:00:00 AM |
08.15.2021 | Teagle in the NewsWhat Should Students Learn?Roosevelt Montás, senior lecturer in American Studies at Columbia University and Rene Plessner Lecturer for its Freedom and Citizenship program and member of the advisory council for Cornerstone: Learning for Living, argues that the humanities can be reinvigorated through general education and transformative texts. Read more > | 8/15/2021 12:00:00 AM |
08.05.2021 | Teagle in the NewsGeorge Fox Program Gives Latino Woodburn High School Students Opportunity to Learn about Humanities This summer, George Fox launched Liberation Scholars, its bilingual Knowledge for Freedom program. Read more > | 8/5/2021 12:00:00 AM |
08.04.2021 | Teagle in the NewsHumanities Center Summer Program Teaches the Classics to Local High SchoolersThis summer, Boston University's Center for the Humanities launched its Knowledge for Freedom program, The One and the Many at BU. Read more > | 8/4/2021 12:00:00 AM |
08.03.2021 | Teagle's Partner ThoughtsKnowledge for Freedom SeminarParticipants in Dickinson College's The House Divided Project, Knowledge for Freedom Seminar share their experiences with the program. Read more > | 8/3/2021 12:00:00 AM |
07.30.2021 | Teagle in the NewsDickinson College Seminar a Lesson in Freedom, College PrepThe House Divided Project, a Knowledge for Freedom program introduces low income students to college by studying the American Civil War. Read more > | 7/30/2021 12:00:00 AM |
07.26.2021 | Teagle in the NewsNew Partnership Aims to Connect Latino High Schoolers to College LifeGeorge Fox University's Knowledge for Freedom program, Liberation Scholars, expands access to the liberal arts by priortizing inclusivity, including reading transformative texts in English and Spanish. Read more > | 7/26/2021 12:00:00 AM |
07.19.2021 | Teagle in the NewsClassic Books or Diverse Books? That’s a False BinaryRoosevelt Montás, longtime instructor in Columbia's Knowledge for Freedom program and member of the advisory council for Cornerstone: Learning for Living, on core texts' importance for students of all backgrounds. Read more > | 7/19/2021 12:00:00 AM |
05.18.2021 | Teagle in the NewsDickinson College’s House Divided Project Explores the Struggle for Freedom in the USMatthew Pinsker, Director of the Teagle-funded House Divided Program and Todd Mealy, Assistant Director spoke about the program. Read more > | 5/18/2021 12:00:00 AM |
05.03.2021 | Teagle's Partner ThoughtsWhy Core Texts Matter to Community College StudentsAndrea Fabrizio and Gregory Marks, directors of the Teagle-funded Core Books at CUNY program explain how core texts are integral to community college students' education. Read more > | 5/3/2021 12:00:00 AM |
02.24.2021 | Teagle in the NewsDickinson College's House Divided Project to Offer Framework for Summer Program for Low-income StudeDickinson expands the House Divided Program to high schoolers with Teagle funding. Read more > | 2/24/2021 12:00:00 AM |
02.18.2021 | Staff WritingsTeaching Humanities from a DistanceTeaching during the pandemic can be successful when the focus is on mentoring and on engaging students with transformative texts. Read more > | 2/18/2021 12:00:00 AM |
02.15.2021 | Teagle in the NewsShattering Invisible DarknessSimone Henderson, a 2020 Teagle Humanities Fellow, reflects on the relevance of fear and love in the works of James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Toni Morrison to our contemporary moment.
Read more > | 2/15/2021 12:00:00 AM |
02.01.2021 | Teagle in the NewsNew BU Center for the Humanities Summer Program for Local High Schoolers Launches with $300K GrantUnderserved high school students will study the humanities at "The One and the Many at BU," a Teagle-funded summer program. Read more > | 2/1/2021 12:00:00 AM |