Ithaka S+R has released the Playbook for Transfer Pathways to the Liberal Arts: How to Design and Implement Statewide Pathways from Community Colleges to Independent Colleges. The playbook, co-sponsored by the Teagle Foundation and the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, shows how state associations or consortia of independent colleges can design statewide transfer initiatives that meet the needs of both independent colleges and community colleges, with a solid infrastructure and commitment from multiple stakeholders to sustain it.
The institutions surveyed range across fourteen states – Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. These states are served by the following state associations and college consortia: New England Board of Higher Education, Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges, Iowa Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts, Michigan Independent Colleges and Universities, Michigan Community College Association, North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities, Council of Independent Colleges, Minnesota Private College Council, Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges, Oregon Alliance of Independent Colleges and Universities, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Rhode Island, Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Virginia Community College System, and Independent Colleges of Washington. The grantees who contributed to the toolkit hope their insights and experiences will encourage their peer independent colleges to take concrete steps to expand transfer access to the liberal arts.
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