campus partner(s)

University of California at Berkeley






Graduate Student Teaching in the Arts and Sciences

award date


project director

Linda von Hoene

University of California at Berkeley

Grant Summary

$35,000 over 15 months to form a faculty-graduate student working group focused on enhancing the University's existing graduate student teaching certificate program. The working group will meet to discuss the literature on how students learn and translate that literature into disciplinary language and pedagogical practices that can be used by instructors to foster learning. The group will create a bank of learning activities that will be housed on the Graduate Student Instructor Teaching and Resource Center website, as well as develop an outline for a graduate student workshop, and create a course module for the certificate program. The module will be incorporated into the "level 1" (as a required workshop) and "level 2" (as a required, semester-long course on syllabus and course design) certificates.