Grant Summary
$23,500 over 3 months. Under the auspices of a 2006 Teagle Foundation grant, the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) researched and produced a pamphlet on "What College Teachers Should Know about the Religious Engagements of Today's Undergraduates." Following up on that project, SSRC has now developed—in consultation with the Foundation—a two-pronged plan for publication and dissemination of the work. First, a complete version of the pamphlet—crafted as a series of short, self-standing pieces—will be available on the SSRC website. It will be linked to suggestions for further reading, as well as to appropriate essays on the web forum designed for the project. Appearing alongside the pamphlet will be a range of bibliographic materials. The second piece of the dissemination plan involves a shorter, printed pamphlet that will serve as a stand-alone discussion piece and a form of publicity for the web-based version. SSRC plans to actively publicize the work through mailings of the short pamphlet, email marketing, and other forms of advertising.