campus partner(s)

Foundation for California Community Colleges






Faculty Planning and Curricular Coherence

award date


project director

Keetha Mills; Robert Johnstone

Foundation for California Community Colleges; National Center for Inquiry and Improvement

Grant Summary

$300,000 over 24 months to the Foundation for California Community Colleges. Guided pathways refer to highly defined, structured, and coherent curricula leading to a postsecondary credential that is aligned to high-quality employment, either directly after community college, or post-transfer after attainment of a bachelor’s degree. This project will build capacity at 15-20 California community colleges to implement guided transfer pathways at scale – to reach their entire student bodies – while also building capacity within the state for spreading that work to a much larger number of colleges and to model curricular reform for the 113-member California community college system. The project will feature a series of professional development institutes primarily led by the National Center for Inquiry and Improvement to support competitively selected community colleges in their efforts to create coherent liberal arts transfer pathways while also helping them develop the change management strategies needed to accomplish this goal. This project is co-funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates, College Futures, and James Irvine Foundations.